Reid hoffman book
Reid hoffman book

reid hoffman book reid hoffman book

If you have a 10-year plan of how to get, you should ask: Why can’t you do this in 6 months? How to Blitzscale? 1. It also reminds me famous Peter Thiel’s quote: Let’s be fair with ourselves - we will never get FB numbers. Now compare your most optimistic scenario of getting the revenue or users number and plan when you may get these type of numbers. The year-over-year revenue growth during its first few years of existence were 2,150 percent, 433 percent, and 219 percent, going from zero to $153 million in revenue in 2007. …Facebook began as a classic blitzscaling story. The canonical sequence that companies like Google and Facebook have gone through begins with classic start-up growth while establishing product/market fit, then shifts into blitzscaling to achieve critical mass and/or market dominance ahead of the competition, then relaxes down to fastscaling as the business matures, and finally downshifts to classic scale-up growth when the company is an established industry leader.

Reid hoffman book