What causes flat feet
What causes flat feet

what causes flat feet what causes flat feet

So if your child’s feet aren’t flat, what are they?įirst of all, let’s take a moment to think about the structure of the foot.

what causes flat feet

You might expect your feet to be flat on the floor, but they’re actually designed to have curves that affect the way you stand. What are flat feet?įlat feet, also known as ‘fallen arches’, is a condition where the bottom of your feet lie flat on the ground when you’re in a standing position. If you suspect your child might have flat feet, the best thing to do is to find out more about the condition and what it means for the future. When we spot something we don’t think is quite right, it’s easy to worry about the effects it will have on them as they grow and develop - but not all differences are dangerous or bad for your child’s health. We all want our children to be healthy, and that includes foot health.

What causes flat feet